Winter Penguin Art

Penguins are a fun animal to learn about in the Winter. Take some time during the cold months of the year to create this adorable penguin all bundled up for the snow. This would be a great project for January or February for home or school. This little guy is easy to create. The thing I like the best about projects like this is that they all turn out different. No matter how big or little the penguin is, it will look adorable.
To begin let each child choose a background color for their penguin. You of course will need black and white for the penguin, but the other color choices can vary.

First draw a hill shape out of black paper. Let you child have the scarf to see how wide they need to make their penguin. You can also cut the scarf smaller if you need to. Next, use a piece of white paper to draw the same shape, but smaller. Glue these onto your background paper.

Cut out two sets of circles. A white set that will be larger and a black set that will be smaller. These will create the eyes of the penguin. You can simply draw these or use a paper puncher like I did. Glue these on the top on the black part of the penguin.

Create and glue the eyes onto the penguin.
Now color the scarf using markers or crayons. Let your child be creative and use any colors or patterns they want to create on the scarf. Once done cut and glue the scarf onto the penguin. You can cut it smaller to fit your child's penguin if needed.

Once finished cut out the scarf and glue it on top of the penguin.
Now, create a nose. Your child can make it orange or yellow and create it to be any size they choose. Glue it below the eyes. Mine was so big it stuck out over the scarf!

Finally, lets make this penguin some ear muffs. To do this take a sheet of paper. Draw a circle or use a tracer to help. In my craft supplies I have a stash of old lids that I use in projects. I traced this lid on a folded piece of paper and cut it out to create two ear muffs.

Cut out two circles for ear muffs.
To make the top of the ear muffs I used a pipe cleaner. I used some scotch tape to attach the pipe cleaner to my paper. You can also just simply draw a curved line between the circles with a marker or crayon. After glue the circles on top of the pip cleaner where you applied the tape.

Add the ear muffs to your penguin.
So get started making this penguin, it will be exciting to see how your child's turns out!