Valentine Tissue Paper Heart Art

Gather up a few supplies and make this adorable heart inspired by Jim Dine's art. This is a fun activity to do for an artist study or a Valentine's Day project. This is a simple project for little ones and a fun activity for older kids.
To begin, print out a heart on a piece of white cardstock. I have included the one I used, however you can use any heart shape or size you want. Use modge podge to glue various colors of tissue paper around the heart. Once it is completed, add a thin layer of modge podge on the top of the tissue paper.

Layer the different colors of tissue paper onto the paper.
After the paper is dry, flip it over and trim off the excess tissue paper.

Next, use a black oil pastel crayon to go over the border of the heart. Then use your finger to smear the oil pastel away from the heart toward the tissue paper.

The oil pastel will give the heart a little shadow. Add more color and repeat if necessary.
Now use any acrylic paint color and paint the inside of the heart. When finished add a little touch of white to add a reflection or highlight.

This can be turned into a valentine or framed for a special gift.