Spider Web Slime

Spider Web Slime
Add plastic spider rings and spider sequin to the slime.

Create this fun spider web slime this fall for some fun. Be on the look out for fun items to add to the slime at stores. The closer it gets to Halloween the larger the discount. You can even buy some items to save for next year when you find them on clearance.

This slime is super simple to create. You just combine equal parts liquid starch with equal parts liquid glue.

You can add these ingredients to a bowl and knead to make the slime or you can also mix in a plastic bag for easy mixing.

To make in a plastic Ziploc bag you will first need to remove the writing on the outside of the bag. To do this, you simply need to use nail polish remover. Add nail polish remover to a cotton ball and wipe away the outside writing of the Ziploc bag.

Knead inside the bag until it comes together. After, I added some spider rings, I purchased them from Walmart for 98 cents. I placed several spiders in the slime. You can add tape to the bag if you think your child may open it. Please be sure to supervise your child as they play with they slime.

Of course you can also allow your child to use the slime outside of the bag. I would have them play on a flat table and supervise them. The plastic spiders are easy to pull out of the slime.

After, I added some spider and spider web sequin I purchased at Michaels Craft store.