Snowy Owl

The snowy owl is beautiful bird that has many feathers to help it live in cold artic temperatures. The male snowy owl is white, while the female owl has dark feathers throughout its body. The female snowy owl's face is white and it has some dark feathers on it's head.
Easily create this snowy owl with your child. This activity is easy enough for a toddler or preschooler. This would also make a great activity for older children to make.
To begin, have kids use a small sponge to stamp an oval shape. You can draw an oval as a guide if your child needs assistance. This is however a great way to see what your child is capable of doing independently. I added some small feathers at the top of the oval to represent the tufts of the owl's body. After allow this to dry before moving on to the next steps.

Next, you will cut out 2 small yellow circles. Use a black marker to draw around the border of the yellow circles. Then, cut out a small black triangle to be used as a beak. Once the paint is dried, glue the yellow circles in place where the eyes will be. Use a black marker to add small circles to the middle of the yellow eyes. Then glue the black triangle under the eyes as the beak of the snowy owl.

Add yellow circles and add details with a marker to create the eyes.
The last steps are to add details to complete the owl. I first added details to the owls feathers. I added black use shapes on the body and the top of the head. This would make your snowy owl a female. You can leave the owl's feathers all white to make a male snowy owl. Finally, add feet to the bottom of the owl's body. I used a white marker but, you can also add the feet using white paint.

Add feather details and feet with markers or paint.