Repurposed Face Mask Bunnies

Our family has a huge bag of face masks left over from COVID. As a teacher with two kids who attended school during the pandemic we had a collection to protect ourselves. I could not throw them away, so I kept them knowing I would come up with a way to repurpose them. After creating some Valentine's Day hearts with some face masks, I decided to also make some bunnies for Easter.

First, gather your old face masks and cut off the straps on both ends.

Next, use an iron to get rid of all the lines and wrinkles on the masks. This is important to be sure the fabric is ready for cutting.

Fold your mask and half and trace a bunny on it. You will trace the whole bunny on the mask, in the end getting two bunnies. I made a tracer from an image I found online. Cut out the bunny along the lines your traced.

Trace your bunny pattern to get two bunnies.
Take your 2 pieces of fabric and put glue along the edge of the fabric. Leave some room to trim the fabric after. Also, be sure to leave part of the heart unglued so you can fill it with poly fill. Quickly place the second piece of fabric on top before the glue dries. Don't worry if it is not straight as you will trim after filling with poly fill.

You will do this same process with your bunny.
Fill the bunny with poly fill, I usually fill really full and push in, remember it will have to fill the entire bunny once closed. After used the glue gun to glue your bunny shut.

Finally, use your pinking shears to trim the edge of your bunnies. Add pom poms for a tail or ribbon to finish your bunny. Glue a piece of twine or ribbon to hang these up in your home.

The patterns of the face masks create a wide variety of bunnies that look adorable for Easter or Spring decor.
- How CUTE did these turn out? I am so happy to have reused some of my masks to save them from the landfill.