Dollar Tree Cheese Pizza Day Craft

Dollar Tree Cheese Pizza Day Craft

Did you know September 5 is National Cheese Pizza Day? I guess it is a great day to celebrate yummy pizza! When my son was in 6th grade, his teacher would tell them about these National Days each morning. It was kind of fun for him to come home and tell us about the interesting celebration for the day. Interested in researching more of these days, check out There are several National Days for each day of the year. I am sure you can find something fun to celebrate each day of the year.

So, when I found out about National Cheese Pizza Day, I decided to make an easy craft to go along with this fun day. I got the items at the Dollar Tree and I think the end product is amazing.

I had red paint and glue at home.

I chose these gold plates at the Dollar Tree because I thought they looked the closest to the pizza crust. Take a paper plate and add some red paint to the middle of the plate. Use a paintbrush to add the "sauce" to the pizza crust.

Next, I used the yellow paper shreds, also purchased at the Dollar Tree. They stuck to the wet paint I had just applied. After the paint seemed to be dry, I added more paper shreds with Elmer's glue to create the cheese.

Next, allow the paint and glue to dry. I suggest waiting overnight if you can. I really enjoy splitting activities into two day projects. After, you are sure it is dry, use your scissors to cut the paper plate into fourths.

This is a great opportunity to talk about fractions. Even if your child is too young, it is helpful to talk about Math to children, even at a young age.

  • Look at this pizza, this is a whole pizza.
  • Let's cut it into 2 equal pieces. Now we have 2 pieces of pizza. This is called half. We have 2 halves.
  • Okay, now we can cut each half into 2 pieces. How many pieces do we have now? Yes, we have 4 equal pieces. These are called fourths.

Next, for added fun you can decorate the pizza slices. I added faces with googly eyes and paper. Have fun and allow your child to be creative!

Have a pizza party to celebrate National Cheese Pizza Day on September 5!