Insect Books

This is a great collection of books about insects. Insects are usually disliked, but I love how much you can learn about how important insects are to our world.
Reading aloud books to your child is such an important part of growing their love for reading. I always recommend picking a variety of books, even if you think they will not like the subject. You never know what might interest them.
- “I Made These Ants Some Underpants!” by Derrick Wilder: After getting new underpants, the main character wants to gift underwear to everyone she knows, even some ants!
Ant Hill Art
Make this ant hill from the story “I Made These Ants Some Underpants” by Derick Wilder. The main character in this books make underpants for everyone around her. These little underpants for the ants were so cute. Supplies: 1. Construction Paper 2. Washable black ink pad or paint 3. Markers

- “The Firefly With No Glow” by Rebecca Smallberg: Your new reader will love this easy reader. Luke the firefly has no light, he hangs out with the other fireflies.
- “One Mean Ant” by Arthur Yorinks: Ant is so mean to everyone and everything. One day a friend come along and helps Ant to be thankful.
- “The Girl Who Loves Bugs” by Lily Murray: Evie loves bugs of all kind. What will happen when she brings them inside to her room?
- “Steve the Dung Beetle: On A Roll” by Susan R. Stoltz: All the animals want to know why Steve is rolling a ball of poo. Find out why it is so important for everyone.
Dung Beetle Insect Craft
When I read “Steve the Dung Beetle: On A Roll” by Susan R. Stoltz I knew I had to create this craft. This is the kind of book my boys love, I mean it is about a dung beetle, what boy wouldn’t love it. The mention of anything about poop

- “Blink, Blink, Blink In Sync Silent Fireworks” by Sharon Cassano Lochman: Being outside in the dark can be scary, until the fireflies arrive and light up the sky!
Blinking Firefly
I love when summer rolls around and fireflies come out. It reminds me of summer spent in Pennsylvania when I was a child. We called them lighting bugs and as dusk rolled around outside we went. Armed with a jar poked with hole, my sisters and I were excited to

- “The Very Lonely Firefly” by Eric Carle: Firefly is so lonely as he flies off into the dark sky looking for other fireflies. Will he find any other fireflies?
- “The Mosquito Burrito” by Didi Dragon: You will love this funny story of a mosquito stuck inside a burrito.
- “Cicada City” by Gina Gallois: Join the Bug Club as they search and learn all about cicadas.
- “Good Trick Walking Stick” by Sheri M. Bestor: Read along on this journey with the walking stick as she grows from an egg. Learn all about this fascinating insect.
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