Easter Chick Painting DIY

Easter Chick Painting DIY

Want to add this cute little chick to your Spring decor? You will find this chick pretty simple to make. The nest part id if you mess up, simply paint over your mistake and try again.

I painted a Easter bunny for my home before I painted this chick and it was not pretty. My bunny looked horrible, but again, I simply painted over my mistake. I have a few tips to help make the process easier. Check out my bunny painting post to see the process.

DYI Bunny Painting
I saw a video of this bunny painting and decided to try it out for myself. Do you ever see someone else do something and think I can do that? I had this video tutorial saved for over a year and decided to give it a go. Let’s just say

So, want to create this cure Eater chick. To begin gather the paint colors you would like to use and a canvas. You can use any size, I used an 11x14.

Get a canvas to paint your picture on.

To begin, I recommend sketching out your design with pencil. I simply drew a half circle and then added 2 wings shapes and then completed the bottom half of the circle. Take your time, it does not need to be perfect.

Sketch out your chick on the canvas with a pencil

Begin by painting your background using the color you selected. You may need more than 1 coat depending on how it looks.

Next, use a sponge or sponge brush to add paint to the chick you drew. The sponge gives it some dimension and makes it look more realistic. I mixed several shades of yellow I had. Then at the end, I added some white in some places.

Use another color paint to add dots to the background of your painting. This can be done with your finger or a circular sponge brush.

Next, add eyes and a beak. Another suggestion is to cut out eyes and a beak out of paper. Place them where you think you want to paint before you paint. This will help avoid bug mistakes like I made in my bunny picture.

Hang this painting up for cute Spring/Easter decor in your home.

Add this chick painting to your home this Easter.
Add the chick to the bunny for adorable Easter decor.