Dollar Tree Valentine heart

Dollar Tree Valentine heart

Have you even seen the wooden heart hangers at the Dollar Tree and wondered what you could do with it? I created this cat valentine wooden heart. I love cats and liked the idea of adding them to some of my Valentine's Day decorations.

To begin, I painted the wooden heart. You can use any color you choose. Whole waiting for the paint to dry, look for a print you would like to place on you heart. I used  Creative Fabrica. I love this website, it gives an endless amount of digital downloads to choose from. You can choose to pay per download or purchase a yearly account with unlimited downloads. Please use my referral link if you are interested in joining Creative Fabrica. I found this cute pictures of these cats that fit my vision. So I printed it out and glued it onto the dry heart. Don't worry if it doesn't fit, the bottom will be covered with the top heart.

Choose two coordinating scrapbook papers to match your print and paint color. Use the wooden heart as a tracer and trace the two pieces of paper. Cut out the hearts and use modge podge to glue them together. Then add a thin coat of modge podge to the outside.

After the heart has dried, cut the heart in the middle. Do not cut all the way, go about 2/3 of the way. Then, roll the paper down to create a scroll. It will easily stay because of the modge podge.

Once you are happy with the placement of the top heart, glue the bottom half of the paper heart to the wooden heart. Then, use a hot glue gun to glue down the scrolled paper sides.

To finish the look, attach a piece of string to the back of the heart. I added wooden beads as well. Attach it to the back of the heart with a hot glue gun.

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