DIY felt heart wreath

I love creating crafts for the holidays. This wreath is a simple craft made with felt and a wreath ring. I purchased a pack of 3 gold wreath rings at the dollar tree and have been saving it for a project. This was a perfect project for using the rings.

First, I started by cutting strips of felt in various colors. I cut strips 1 inch wide from the sheet of felt. The sheet of felt is 9 inches long, so my strips were 1 inch by 9 inches. I then cut each strip in half to create 2 equal pieces.

Gather supplies need, felt strips and a wreath form.
Next, using your glue gun, fold each piece in half and glue along the edge. Repeat this until all pieces are completed.

Glue each piece of felt in half to prepare for the next part of the wreath.
After all the pieces are glued together, select 2 pieces of the same color. Glue them together on the wreath form. I used the largest wreath form for this project. You will place hot glue at the bottom where you have already glued the felt together. This will create a heart shape on the wreath.

Glue 2 pieces of felt together to create a heart shape.
Continue gluing the felt pieces to create hearts around the wreath.

Continue gluing until all the space is filled with hearts.
Glue the hearts all the way around the ring. Then simply hang on your door or in your home.